Webmart advertisements (for Rare and Minority breeds of livestock only) will be displayed for up to six months – please let the Webmaster know if stock is sold before then. Rare Breeds products (such as wool) are also acceptable. Advertisements for half-bred animals will be considered if one parent is of a pure rare or minority breed. Advertisements are generally limited to a maximum of 60 words, and they will be displayed in the order they are received (most recent on top). The best way to find a particular breed on this page is to use your browser's 'Find' facility – usually Ctrl+F.
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Caveat emptor: The Rare Breeds Conservation Society advises that it is unable to check the quality of stock bought or sold through Webmart and recommends that buyers check any stock themselves before buying.
SELL: Donkey filly foal. Taranaki. Please message avonstourisland (at) gmail.com
SELL: Scottish Deerhounds. Perhaps the rarest ancient companion dog in New Zealand. 10 puppies born 29 November 2024. Taking orders now. Beautiful healthy pups. Will be ready to go end February. Google them and fall in love. julian.twiss (at) naiharcourts.co.nz
BUY: Dexter calves in Canterbury. Sam.kari.reid (at) gmail.com
SELL: Sicilian Buttercup chickens. Beautiful brown female and black white male. alibilder2 (at) gmail.com, Pakistan.
SELL: I have many Arapawa sheep for sale – rams, ewes. Pitt Island – mainly ewes. Some Stewart Island. (Got them from David Tuart, now deceased.) Price $100 negotiable. Discount for members. graaf.allan (at) xtra.co.nz
BUY: Looking for Lionhead rabbits or Belgian hares in NZ. Really appreciated. honeybunnylee33 (at) gmail.com
BUY: Looking for fertile Turkey, Peafowl and Swan eggs to hatch, if anyone has some available please contact me either via messenger on Facebook ‒ Shanla Bell ‒ or text message (027) 486 1809. Located in Outram, Otago, happy to pay postage. Many thanks.
SELL: Kunekune boy, 8 months old for sale. Registered from two registered parents. Lovely natured ginger and black spotted boy. So friendly and so cute. warwickzfarm (at) warwickzfarm.co.nz
SELL: Arapawa purebred ewe and ram lambs for sale. 4 months old. Lovely animals. Great genetics and natures. Have been breeding them for 20 plus years. (03) 325 4116, warwickzfarm (at) warwickzfarm.co.nz
SELL: Arapawa sheep, breeding them for over 20 years. 14 lambs of which 3 are cocktail boys, 5 ewe lambs, 2 nice ram lambs. Mixed aged ewes and some wethers, and a very good ram called Rama. (021) 146 3909. POA.
SELL: Cayuga ducklings hatching over next two to four weeks. Orders taken now $5 each. Must collect from Greendale (Canterbury) as hatched. Contact Marion (03) 318 7237 evenings. Email Jimari (at) xtra.co.nz
BUY: Wanted Brahma chickens or fertile eggs. Indian Runner duck fertile eggs. Turkey fertile eggs. Blenheim. kt.ann80 (at) yahoo.co.nz (022) 127 6681
BUY: Want buy white Sussex rooster & hens. Please Ph (027) 678 5678 Charlie.
SELL: Pekin drakes. Well bred, father sourced from reputable breeder in Levin. Based near Hamilton. Don (027) 495 0535
SELL: 3 x pure white male Turkeys. $50 each. Based near Hamilton. Don (027) 495 0535
BUY: Red Poll bull. Canterbury. (021) 028 99197
BUY: We would like to buy some Plymouth Rock hens. We are in Warkworth. Thanks. jae (at) jaefrew.com
BUY: Wanted to buy – Ancona point of lay chickens x 3 for Wellington lifestyle block. Karengault (at) gmail.com
SELL: Selling purebred silver spangled Hamburgs 2 Trios (1 rooster 2 hens) plus two more roosters available. Hatched in spring just gone. Pick up Cust, North Canterbury. Email annaliese.raynes (at) icloud.com
BUY: Wanted – supply of pure breed fertile eggs, regular hatching business starting, Wanaka. Need to make contact with future sources of good examples of true breed needed. timothyjack55 (at) gmail.com
SELL: Registered pure bred Tamworth sow from the Sovereign line approx 2yrs old in great condition. Located in Auckland. Please contact Matt on (021) 753 956
BUY: Looking to buy breeding pairs of Pekin, Rouen Claire, Orpington. Phone: (021) 085 59305 E-mail: coffeebartruebrew (at) gmail.com
SELL: Blue is a 3 year old pure bred Canterbury Blue boar looking for a new pet/breeding home. Bred by John Earney of Avonstour Island. He is very friendly and well mannered. Located in Wellington. Shosh_phillips (at) hotmail.com
BUY: Wanted OEG Pile bantams and White Leghorn poultry in Canterbury/Otago, show quality. Email eionwestgarth18 (at) gmail.com.
BUY: Looking for 6 flightless ducks suitable for orchard to keep clear under trees. trudy (at) connexu.nz
BUY: We are looking for Khaki Campbell female ducks for our orchard in Canterbury. Txt (022) 388 7959 or e-mail gielenfamilyfarm (at) gmail.com
BUY: Wanted – two female Indian Runners. Phone: (027) 210 9777
BUY: I am interested in buying Texas Longhorn cattle in New Zealand. paulhenry (at) xtra.co.nz
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If you would like to have your own Website hosted by Rare Breeds – with a link from your Directory entry (see Associates for examples) – please go to the Information page or contact the Webmaster for details and costs. Reduced rates for members.