Webmart Advertisements

Read this first

      Webmart advertisements are for Rare or Minority breeds of livestock and associated items such as wool, books, products and even home-stay on properties where rare breed animals can be experienced. Advertisements for half-bred animals will be considered only if one parent is of a pure rare or minority breed.

      Please try to limit your advertisement to no more than 60 words. Webmart advertisements will be displayed in the order they are received and will be displayed for up to three months (renewable).

      Simply type in your advertisement, including the contact details you want made public – and your Locality – in the upper space on the form opposite.

      Please add your full contact details for our records – make sure your e-mail address is correct. (Your advertisement may not appear if these details are not given.)

      Use the Mouse or Tab key to move around the form not the 'Enter' key (which may send the form prematurely).

      When you are sure everything is correct, click on the "SEND NOW"  button while you are on line.

      In Webmart advertisements, links may be included only to Associates' webpages or to other internal pages.

      If you have any enquiries about Webmart or about webpage display advertising, you can send a message to the Webmaster.


Type your advertisement, including the contact details you want to appear – and your Locality, in the space above. Make sure you indicate clearly whether you wish to Buy or Sell.   Please note that only advertisements relating to Rare or Minority breeds of livestock can be accepted.

And please fill in the details below for our records. (Use the 'Tab' key or Mouse to move to the next entry slot.)

Full Name:

E-mail address:

Phone number:

Postal address

(Incomplete address may cause delays)

Check that everything is entered correctly and then click on 'SEND NOW' below.

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Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand

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