Message to WebmasterUse this form if you would like to send a Message or Enquiry to the Rare Breeds Webmaster. Simply type in your message or enquiry on the form opposite, and type your name, e-mail address and postal address in the lower sections. Please make sure your e-mail address is correct! (We have been unable to reply to a number of enquiries because the wrong address was given.) Use the Mouse or 'Tab' key to move around the form, not the 'Enter' key (which may send the form prematurely). When you are sure you have entered everything correctly, click on the "SEND NOW" button to send your message to the Webmaster. For details on how to contact the Rare Breeds Conservation Society for general enquiries, go to: Contact Us. Click on your browser's 'Back' button or use the Navigation Bar at the top of this page if you don't want to fill in the form. |