Rare Breeds Auction. Dexter bull 'Paradox' 1889

The Canterbury Section of the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand holds a Rare Breeds Auction and Heritage Lifestyle Day on the second Sunday of March each year.
Entry fees, Sales Commission, Admission charges and Catalogue donation are used to cover Auction expenses with any surplus going to the Rare Breeds Conservation Society for the conservation of rare and heritage breeds of livestock.

The next Auction will be held on
Sunday 8 March 2026

at the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, 60 Hussey Road, Christchurch
Stock on view from 10.00 a.m., Auction starts 12.00 noon.
See Auction Details and Downloads for details.
Or Auction Photos for some photographs of our last Auction.
Enquiries to e-mail: canterbury(at)rarebreeds.co.nz

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Entries for the 2025 Auction included:

Dexter calf
Miniature Galloway cattle
Arapawa goats
Arapawa sheep
Meatmaster sheep
Damara sheep
Gotland sheep
Awassi sheep
African Pygmy sheep
Leghorn bantams
Frizzle bantams
Japanese bantams
Orpington bantams
Polish bantams
Sebright bantams

Andalusian chooks
Barnevelder chooks
Brahma chooks
Dorking chooks
Faverolles chooks
Hamburg chooks
Houdan chooks
Indian Game chooks
New Hampshire Red chooks
Orpington chooks
Plymouth Rock chooks
Rhode Island Red chooks
Silkie chooks
Sussex chooks
Wyandotte chooks
Guinea Fowl
Japanese quail

Carolina Wood ducks
Magpie ducks
Pekin ducks
Khaki Campbell ducks
Muscovy ducks
Cayuga ducks
Pekin ducks
Magpie ducks
Sebastopol geese
Chinese geese
Fantail pigeons
Barbary doves
Lady Amherst pheasants
Golden pheasants
Reeves pheasants
Bronze turkeys
White turkeys

SILENT AUCTION: Included: Four bags of Weston Chooks Choice layer pellets; Two hanks of Wild Earth Merino-Lincoln blend sock yarn; Styx white Power Tape (12mm wide x 200m); Styx Power Horse Tape (25mm wide x 200m); Five Styx red gate handles; Book, Feathered Friends for Town and Country; One copy each of three little animal books; Goody Box (fruit).

See Auction Details and Downloads for more information.
Enquiries to: canterbury(at)rarebreeds.co.nz
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