Dates, Details and Downloads
The next Canterbury Rare Breeds Auction and Heritage Lifestyle Day will be held at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, 60 Hussey Road, Christchurch, on Sunday 8 March 2026.
Entries will be accepted from early January 2026.
All Auction enquiries to email: canterbury(at)
Date for close of entries for the Auction is 20 February 2026.
No late entries will be accepted, nor can changes or substitutions be made after that date.
See below to download an Entry Form, or email
[Type out this address replacing (at) with @]
Note that poultry is sold per lot and the caging fee is $5.00 per lot. Larger livestock is sold per animal and the penning fee is $5 per animal. (These fees are not refundable.) There is no extra charge for stating Reserves when making entries. All poultry and livestock must be penned by 9.30 a.m. on Auction Day
Intending purchasers must register prior to the start of the auction on the day.
Viewing from 10.00 a.m., Auction starts at 12.00 noon.
Advertising space is available in the Catalogue – whole page $60, half page $30, back cover $80. Please direct your inquiries to Sitereh Schouten, phone (03) 327 4211, or email sitereh.schouten (at)
As well as the main Auction there will be a Silent Auction of donated objects. For this we invite donations of items pertaining to poultry or livestock, such as saddles, horse covers, cages, incubators, halters, stock feed, etc. etc. No chemicals please.
If you are going to donate something it would be a big help if you could let us know by 20 February – email canterbury(at) or phone (03) 318 7237.
Appropriate Trade, Breed and Handcraft displays are welcome. Email canterbury(at) or phone (03) 318 7237 if you're interested.
Go to Auction Photos for some photographs of our last Auction.
- The Auction will be conducted in two parts:
(a) One starting at 12 noon for larger livestock (sheep, goats, cattle, etc.).
(b) The other starting at 1.00 p.m. for poultry and small animals (chooks, ducks, turkeys, rabbits etc.).
- No poultry or livestock will be auctioned that has not been entered on the Vendor Entry Form and been acknowledged with Lot numbers by the organisers.
- All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate penning/caging fees. These are:
(a) Sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, deer, horses, donkeys, camelids, ratites: $5 for each animal.
(b) Poultry: $5 for each Lot. [A Lot comprises up to four birds that are caged together.]
(Small animals such as rabbits and chinchillas are accepted at $5 per Lot.)
- No more than four birds may be entered in any one Lot.
- The number of roosters entered must not exceed the number of hens entered per vendor.
- The Auction Organizers reserve the right to restrict the number of entries in each section according to the availability of cages and pens.
- The description of stock for sale is as supplied by the Vendors, and they are responsible for its accuracy.
- Names and email addresses or phone numbers of Vendors will be published in the Catalogue.
- To enable the Catalogue to be produced all entries must be received no later than two weeks before Auction day; no late entries or changes can be accepted.
- Only recognized breeds may be entered. Once an entry has been confirmed no variations may be substituted. Substitute entries will be rejected from the Auction.
- Any bird or animal that does not pass health inspection will be rejected from the sale or display.
- Every entry must comply with relevant New Zealand laws and regulations associated with the movement and ownership transfer of animals.
- Vendors will receive a Confirmation of Entry and Lot numbers by mail or e-mail.
- All poultry and livestock must be penned by 9.30 a.m. (preferably by 9.00) on the day of the Auction. Entrance gates on Hussey Road will open for Vendors by 8.30 a.m. – Vendors must bring their Confirmation of Entry with them.
- It is the responsibility of Vendors to ensure that their stock are fed and watered throughout the day, and they should note that animal welfare ethics apply. Vendors who do not observe this condition may be refused entry in succeeding years.
- Bidding on poultry will be per Lot and buyers must take and pay for all the birds in the Lot. Bidding on large animals will be per animal.
- If there are any formal ownership transfers, they are the responsibility of the Vendor.
- Ten percent (10%) commission on the sale price will be charged on all sales, including those of poultry or livestock that were not sold by the auctioneer but sold privately as a result of being in the auction.
- Buyers must pay for and collect all Lots for which they have successfully bid.
- Any unsold stock and all stock purchased must be uplifted before 6.00 p.m. on the day of the Auction, unless special arrangements have been made with the Organizers of the Auction beforehand.
- Buyers must supply their own containers, appropriate to the welfare of the animals, for collecting and transporting them.
- Any non-compliance with these terms and conditions may result in stock being rejected from sale.
- The Admission Fee to the Auction between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. is $10 per adult, $5 per child between five and fifteen years old, children under five free. (NOTE: Admission after 1.00 p.m. will be at the normal Willowbank Wildlife Reserve entry fee.)
- The Catalogue will be available on Auction day for five dollars ($5).
- Display sites will be available for promoting rare breed livestock/poultry and associated commodities at a cost of $25 for ten square metres.
- Fees, Commission, Admission charges, Catalogues, Donations and any other income generated will be used to cover expenses, with any surplus going to the Canterbury Section of the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand Incorporated and Willowbank Wildlife Reserve.
- Under special circumstances the auction organisers may vary any of the above Terms and Conditions.
[10 May 2024.]
Vendor Entry Form (.pdf file)
The Vendor Entry Form may be downloaded, filled in and saved on your computer – then email the saved version to canterbury(at) Remember to transfer the entry fee referenced with the same vendor name as on the form. (If your software does not allow filling in, print the form and fill it in manually, then scan and email it or post the printed copy to the address given.) Please note that we now ask for your bank account details to facilitate payments.
Display Entry Form (.pdf file)
The Display Entry Form needs to be printed and posted to the address given, either accompanied by a cheque or the fee transferred and referenced with the same name as on the form.
Auction Poster (.pdf file)
Posters can be printed out for display on noticeboards in shops, vets etc.
Terms and Conditions (.pdf file)
Terms and Conditions as an A4 sheet.
For enquiries please email: canterbury(at)
The Rare Breeds Conservation Society is a volunteer organization. We thank you for your support and co-operation.
Back to first Auction page.