Mohaka rams


from the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand

Press the 'PageDown' key, use the scroll bar, or click on a subject below

 Canterbury Notes
 Types of Breed
 Livestock Census and Portfolio Reports (book)
 New Pages on Website
 Articles in Valley Voice magazine
 Poultry Club Contacts
 Feathered Friends (book)
 Rescue (book)
 World Animal Day
 Charities Act Registration
Selling livestock at the 2025 Rare Breeds Auction in Christchurch.
(Geoff Trotter photo.)

Canterbury Notes

The next meeting of the Canterbury group of the Rare Breeds Conservation Society will be held at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve (60 Hussey Road, Christchurch) on Friday 28 March 2025, starting at 7.30 p.m. The meeting room is opposite the far end of the main car park.   Enquiries to canterbury (at) [replace (at) with @ when typing this address].

A selection of photographs taken at our recent Rare Breeds Auction can be seen at Auction Photographs.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand will be held at Willowbank on Saturday 3 May 2025 – see Annual General Meeting for details.


Types of Breed

To avoid the unfortunate connotations in the use of the term ‘feral’ and the misunderstanding inherent in the term ‘landrace’ the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand at its National Committee meeting of 19 November 2024 adopted the following terms and designations for the main types of livestock in this country:

New Zealand: A breed of animal that has evolved naturally over time in New Zealand to suit the conditions of a particular local area. An example would be the Arapawa sheep.

Developed: A breed of animal that has been developed by selective breeding to suit perceived or commercial requirements. An example is the Drysdale sheep.

Standardized: A breed in which animals conform to a standard that describes the ideal physical characteristics. Most Standardized breeds descend from landrace populations and ideally the animals are registered or enrolled in a herdbook or studbook. In New Zealand the Standardized breeds have usually been imported, such as the Dorset Horn sheep.


Portfolio book

Livestock Census and Portfolio Reports

This new 78-page publication by the Rare Breeds
Conservation Society of New Zealand is now available.

To purchase a copy please email
editor (at)

Price is $20 plus postage.



New pages recently added to the Rare Breeds Website include:
       Watchlist (Conservation priorities for New Zealand Rare Breeds) [21.11.2024]
       Photos from the Agricultural Show (Photos of the Rare Breeds 2024 display) [18.11.2024]
       White Park cattle (New webpage) [29.10.2024]
       Woodstock Sheep (Revised page on the Woodstock sheep) [19.6.2024]
       The Sheep of Woodstock (A sudy of the Woodstock sheep) [6.3.2024]
       Whence Came the Arapawa Sheep (Origins of the Arapawa sheep) [5.3.2024]
       Rare Breeds Auction (Updated details of the 2024 Rare Breeds Auction) [5.3.2024]
Check them out.

(The Webmart and Directory are updated as soon as listings change and are not listed above, nor are minor updates to other pages.)

Valley Voice

Valley Voice        

For some time Valley Voice magazine, which is delivered to 32,000 rural addresses in Rodney and Franklin, has been regularly publishing articles about our rare breeds by feature writer Helen Martin, who maintains regular contact with the Rare Breeds Conservation Society. The articles can be found on the Valley Voice website.

The cover photograph pictured shows an Arapawa goat buck and a young doe on the Arapawa Island beach of Lily Bay, where Betty Roe used to live.


Feathered Friends

Feathered Friends for Town and Country is a new book by Marina Steinke which provides a comprehensive guide to poultry husbandy. See Feathered Friends for details of the book and how to get a copy.


Rescue book

See Rescue for details of a new book by Michael Willis – one New Zealander's crusade to save endangered animals.

For every book sold through this website $22.50 goes to the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand.


wad World Animal Day

World Animal Day is 4 October. Go to the  World Animal Day website for details and suggestions – plus items about last World Animal Day.



1. Contacts for South Island Poultry Clubs:

Ashburton Fanciers Society Inc: Mr B. J. Glassey, Longbeach Road, R D 4, Ashburton. E-mail: ashburtonfanciers (at)   Website: Ashburton Fanciers Society

Christchurch Poultry, Bantam & Pigeon Club: P O Box 8436, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440. E-mail: Show venue: 294 Blenheim Road, Riccarton. Website: Christchurch Poultry, Bantam & Pigeon Club.

Dunedin Poultry, Pigeon & Cage Bird Club: Mr C. Wilson, 5 Benfell Street, Green Island, Dunedin.

Ellesmere A & P Assn: Mrs H. Henderson, P O Box 17, Leeston.

Heartland Poultry Club: Lucy Raisbeck.   Phone: (03) 302 8646.   E-mail: heartlandpoultry (at)   Website: Heartland Poultry Club.

Invercargill Homing Pigeon Club: Mrs Y. Service,108 Oreti Street, Invercargill.

Invercargill Poultry & Pigeon Club: Mr M. Tucker, 329 Chesney Street, Invercargill.

MacKenzie A & P Assn: Mrs M. Thomas, Box 53, Fairlie.

Marlborough Poultry, Pigeon & Cage Bird Assn: Ms K Watson P O Box 869, Blenheim 7240.

Milton Poutry & Bird Club: Mrs I. M. Robinson, 21 George Street, Milton.

Nelson Poultry & Pigeon Assn Inc: Mrs A. Fryer, 67 Gladstone Road, Richmond, Nelson.

North Canterbury Poultry & Pigeon Club: Miss P. Brosnan, 130 Dalziels Road, Fernside, Rangiora.

Oamaru Poultry, Pigeon & Canary Society: Mr T. R. Hill, 13 Reservoir Road, Oamaru.

Taieri Poultry, Pigeon & Bird Club: Mr S. Bennett, 399 Pine Hill Road, Dunedin.

United Pigeon Fanciers Assn: Mrs S Greenwood, 1409 Bealey Road, R D 1, Darfield 7571.

Waimate Winter Show: Mrs N. Wells, 21 Edinburgh Street, Waimate.

West Coast (SI) Poultry & Pigeon Club: Mr D. Brooks, 28 Taylor Street, Taylorville, Greymouth.

The Secretary for The New Zealand (S.I.) Poultry, Pigeon and Cage Bird Association (Inc): Mrs Karyn Cardno, 7 John Street, Oceanview, Dunedin. Phone: (03) 481 1041.

2. For the North Island, see New Zealand Poultry, Pigeon & Cage Birds Associations.

Charities Act Registration

The Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand Inc. was registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 on 30 June 2008 (Registration Number CC30930) and is listed in the Charities Register. This contains information about registered charities for people who may wish to make donations, do volunteer work for, use the services of or find out more about a particular charity. This includes where the charity operates and the sector it works in, contact details, services, charitable purpose, beneficiaries, governance structure and officers.

The Society also has donee organisation status with the IRD. This means that people can claim a tax credit (rebate) for donations made to the RBCSNZ. If you want to claim this tax credit, please ask for a receipt when you make your donation.


Publish your Rare Breeds news here!
Send information on rescue projects, auctions, shows, breed developments, meetings – in fact anything interesting on Rare Breeds – to the  Webmaster.

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