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Hokonui sheep
Hokonui rams (Ava & Mark Hunt photo)

Hokonui Sheep

Breed Standard

Hokonui sheep evolved at the eastern end of the Hokonui hills from escaped and abandoned stock in the late1850s. Significant flocks were observed in 1863. The foundation stock was probably Saxon Merino. The following Breed Standard was compiled for the Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand and is dated 12 April 2007.

Head: Naturally clean.
Rams should posses a masculine head with a substantial set of well-proportioned horns.
Ewes are more feminine and may be polled, have scurs or a small set of horns.
Eyes: bright and alert.
Ears: medium length and well set on.
Teeth: neither under or overshot.

Body: Lighter boned, compact and symmetrical.

Ribs: Well sprung.

Legs: Medium length and straight. The hind legs are set well apart with the animal able to walk freely. Hooves are well formed and sound.

Skin: Soft, free of folds or wrinkles.

Wool: Fine quality wool, which is very fine handling and free from kemp.

Genital organs: Testicles must be present, normal and equal in size.
Scrotum; well attached and uniform.
Udder well formed and attached with two teats.

General appearance: Compact, alert and active with carriage that is bold and free.

Defects: Thick, long or pricked ears.
Roman nose.
Coarse wool in breeches.

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