Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand

Rare Breeds Fibre

Suri Alpaca

Suri fibre
Jumper made from Suri fibre

Silky, soft, lustrous, delicate – these are just some of the words that describe the fleece of the rare Suri alpaca. There is nothing else quite like a garment made from the fleece of a Suri.

Even the most sensitive people will enjoy wearing this fibre against their skin. Like the Huacaya’s fleece, the Suri’s fibres are hollow, providing the same degree of warmth. Pure Suri fibre makes a luxury yarn and is particularly suited for scarfs, shawls and similar garments. It dyes beautifully, adding unlimited colour choices to the naturally occurring colours like fawn, white, black and grey.

Suri fibre is often blended with wool to give the yarn elasticity. This results in a versatile lustrous yarn that can be used to create anything where exceptional warmth is desired. The only project Suri fibre is not ideal for is a heavy chunky garment.

Unlike Huacaya alpacas, Suris can be shorn biennially without causing animal welfare issues.

Grading a black Suri fleece
Grading a black Suri fleece
Valais sheep
Hand carding a black Suri fleece
Suri Alpaca fleece
This photograph shows the fleece of a Suri alpaca who lives in a paddock full of bushes and trees. It is spoilt by a large amount of vegetable matter. This is the reason why fibre and wool producing animals should be kept in paddocks with short green grass and without trees and shrubs

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Thanks to Marina Steinke for supplying the information and photographs for this page.
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